Forty-Two Months and Ten Toes, The Perfect Jewish Calendar
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The Gospels, as written in the Original Greek Texts, are the only accounts that are without error, provided they are translated in accord with the Jewish customs, rituals, festivals, and lunar calendar as were observed in the time of Yeshua/Jesus.
1. The Roman Church martyrized the Jews in the early Church, who were the only ones that understood the Jewish terminology and customs entwined in the Gospels by the Gospel writers.
2. Following that, the Roman Church began applying Western cultural rationale to interpret the texts, which resulted in erroneous translations of certain critically important words in some verses.
3. Translations from the Greek Texts were ordered by Kings and the Roman Church Hierarchy, who required the translators to conform with certain "un-scriptural" Church Traditional Teachings.
4. Forty-Two Months combines Jewish cultural situations with corrected word translations from the original Greek texts. It is a book that agnostic PhD Seminarians and Theologians dislike. They are suddenly exposed as being well educated in the Liberal Arts; but Biblically ignorant. On the other hand, the "Gun Toting" "Bible Thumping," "King James Only" believers in Yeshua/Jesus are unwittingly becoming the justified ones!
5. Scribes well versed in Greek language skills were used in the 1stCentury to accurately write on the scrolls what the writer wanted to say. Even Paul the Apostle used a scribe to write the epistles for him. In Romans 16:22 we find the name of that scribe was Tertius. This is why the original Greek texts are intricately accurate as to tenses and meanings.
If God is a God of love and compassion, why do bad things happen to good people and innocent children? The booklet, God of Compassion or God of Abandonment, is a general analysis of "GOOD" versus "EVIL" in the world around us. Go to  God of Compassion or God of Abandonment on this web sight.  Read it, and download it if you wish.
The title embraces three distinct themes:
1. Forty-Two Months ~ Jesus' ministry on this earth lasted for 1260 days, which is also forty-two months, and also three and one half years.
2. and Ten Toes ~ These are the Ten Toes on Daniel's Statue Image. The End-of-the-Age should take place while Ten Islamic Caliphs (Ten Toe-Kings) are reigning in the Middle-East; and Ten Islamic Imams (the Ten Horns) control Muslims worldwide.
3. The Perfect Jewish Calendar ~ In Temple Times the Passover on Nisan 14 (i.e., the Preparation Day for the Feast of Unleavened Bread that is now referred to as the Seder that is eaten on Nisan 15); always had to be observed while the Sun was passing through the Constellation of the Ram (i.e., Aries). The Temple Times Jewish Lunar Calendar is the only Lunar Calendar that automatically synchronizes itself with our Western Solar Calendar; which allowed the precise dates of the Nativity, Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Yeshua/Jesus to be precisely determined.  Go to Calendar for further information.
How can Christians respond to the PhD Professors in some of  our Seminaries  and Universities, who claim  there are Contradictions between and within the four Gospels of the New Testament?
How did my book, 
Forty-Two Months,
get its Title?
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    A CASE IN POINT: The books written by the now famous agnostic, Bart Ehrman (Jesus Interrupted is one example), have been proven to be factually inaccurate in my book, Forty-Two Months. He rationalizes that the Greek Texts are unreliable. This is no doubt because his predecessor Theological Professors erroneously taught him this, as though it were factually true. They in turn had obviously been taught these same erroneous teachings by their professors, and they by their professors, and so on, back to possibly the Nicene Council in 325CE.
    The LAST SUPPER CONTROVERSY that Bart Ehrman cites in  his book, Jesus Interrupted, is completely without merit and shows an utter lack of basic research into the Greek Text and Jewish Customs on his part. For example: Matthew 26:17 KJV reads: "Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread...." The correct translation should be: "In advance of the first day of the feast of unleavened bread...." Mark 14:12 KJV adds: "when they killed (i.e., sacrificed) the passover." So this was also in advance of the Day of Preparation when the lambs were sacrificed (Preparation Day always falls on Nisan 14). So Nisan 14 was the (first) first day of the feast of unleavened bread when they sacrificed the lambs. And Nisan 15 was the (second) first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread when they ate the Passover Feast. In Exodus 12:15 & 16, a careful reading will disclose that the Feast of Unleavened Bread had TWO first days. So both Matthew and Mark agree with John that the Last Supper was held on the night before the lambs were sacrificed. This was the same night that the Bedikat Hametz (i.e., the purging of the leavening, a.k.a. The Last Supper) was observed. Luke 22:1 also agreed with John when he wrote: "Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover"
This page was last updated on 11-07-13
Here is the sequence of days for the Crucifixion Week in 27CE:
Nisan 10, April 4, Friday after sundown; Yeshua/Jesus was anointed as the Passover Lamb by Martha's sister Mary.
Nisan 10, April 5, Saturday morning; Yeshua/Jesus made His Triumphal Entry to the Temple Sanctuary in Jerusalem.
Nisan 11, April 6, Sunday morning; Yeshua/Jesus cleansed the Temple Courts.
Nisan 12, April 7, Monday morning; Yeshua/Jesus proclaimed the Two Greatest Commandments (i.e., Words).
Nisan 13, April 8, Tuesday afternoon; Yeshua/Jesus concluded His teachings in the Temple Courts.
Nisan 14, April 8, Tuesday after sundown; the Last Supper was held, followed by the Garden Arrest of Yeshua/Jesus.
Nisan 14, April 9, Tuesday at midnight until the 3rd hour (9am) on Wednesday morning; the eight trials of Yeshua/Jesus. 
​Nisan 14, April 9, Wednesday afternoon; between the two evenings (3pm); Yeshua/Jesus died during the earthquake.
Nisan 15, April 9, Wednesday at sundown; the body of Yeshua/Jesus was buried with the "rich" on the Mount of Olives.
Nisan 15, April 9/10, Wednesday at sundown until Thursday at sundown; it was the Lunar High Sabbath of Passover.
Nisan 16, April 11, Friday morning until sundown; the female disciples of Yeshua/Jesus prepared spices for his burial.
Nisan 17, April 11, Friday at sundown; the beginning of the Jewish Seventh Day Sabbath.
Nisan 17, April 12, Saturday morning until sundown; the women rested for the Seventh Day Sabbath.
Nisan 18, April 12/13, Saturday night at around midnight; the RESURRECTION of YESHUA/JESUS!
Nisan 18, April 13, Sunday afternoon; Yeshua/Jesus appeared to His disciples. Thomas and Judas Iscariot were absent.
Why do bad things happen to good people?